NDCs>Country Rankings
Last Updated: 1st December 2023

Here we provide rankings of the countries in terms of some key indices, like which country will have the highest per-capita emissions in 2030, if its pledges are followed. Likewise, we show you the rankings of country's emissions in the world.

Share of Emissions

First, let's start with a ranking of who are the highest absolute emitters in the world now and in 2030.

CountryShare of Global Emissions (2015)Share of Global Emissions (2030)

Industrialised countries per capita emissions ranking

Australia leads that table for the developed world in 2015 and is ranked second, after Russia, in 2030 based on its current 2030 NDC. You can find the ranks of each country (including the so-called developing countries) also on their individual NDC pages. Shown ranks in this table are the ranks amongst so-called Annex I industralised countries, although you can display the world rank by clicking 'show global rank'.

Country (ONLY ANNEX I)
t CO2 eq / year
t CO2 eq / year

Industralised countries per capita emission reductions from 2015 to 2030 ranking

We provide here the ranking of which NDCs imply some of the most ambitious reductions in per-capita emissions, again limited to industrialised countries. For some smaller countries or those with hard-to-quantify NDCs, this indicator is a bit uncertain, but especially for larger countries that is a good indicator of the actual ambition.

Country (ONLY ANNEX I)Per Capita Reductions (2015-2030)

There are a number of other great websites on NDCs, their description and further analysis, so make sure you check them out as well. For example, there is Climate Watch at WRI, there are the NDC ratings at PBL and the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) website that provides in-depth country analysis.

We are happy to say that many of the other website providing temperature assessments of NDCs, including last year’s UNEP GAP 2021 report, this year’s UNFCCC Synthesis report or the CAT website etc use our MAGICC modelling suite. A more detailed description of our methodology to estimate future temperatures can be found in our 2022 Nature paper.

For further links and descriptions of methods and underlying data, please check out our methods page.

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