
All GHG values are calculated using AR6GWP100.

These are the latest NDC factsheets. The data are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International license. If you use them, please cite:

Meinshausen, M, J. Lewis, J. Guetschow, Z. Nicholls, R, Burdon (2022) “NDC Factsheets”, 2022, version 1st December 2023

Contact us at contact@climate-resource.com if you are interested in using this data for commercial purposes, or wanting wanting more frequent updates, metadata, data analysis, or other data support services.

Also, please contact us, if you would like access to the complete dataset, find bugs or have suggestions. Beyond that, this NDC factsheet interface is provided as is. We hope it is useful. The formal legal disclaimer is: The data/interface presented here has been developed by Climate Resource Pty Ltd. You use them at your own risk and neither Climate Resource nor any of its officers, employees, contractors or affiliates nor the developers of the interface or underlying model make any warranty or guarantee about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the interface or the model or their outputs.

Previous versions of the NDC Factsheets are available at https://www.climatecollege.unimelb.edu.au/ndc-indc-factsheets and https://www.pik-potsdam.de/paris-reality-check/indc-factsheets/.

Dataset Version
Dataset Variant
"Default" PRIMAP-hist Third Party including country-specific overrides

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